
Having trouble finding what you're looking for?

Use these tools when typing your terms into the search bar to narrow down results and find more relevant content:

  • Quotes: use quotes to search for an exact phrase.
    • Ex: "survey requests 2021" 
  • AND: Include two search terms. 
    • Ex: Covid-19 AND telehealth
  • OR: Broaden your search with multiple terms. 
    • Ex: "home health" OR "travel therapy"
  • Parentheses: combine modifiers to create a more complex search.
    • Ex: fieldwork AND ("new grad" OR "capstone")
  • Asterisk: Use as a root word/stem/truncation search.
    • Ex: productiv*
    • This will return posts that contain the words productive, productivity, etc. 

Locate and Search on a Tag

  • Tags are a great way to categorize the content you post and to search content in the community. 
  • Locate a thread containing that tag, and click on the tag icon (screenshot below). This will take you to a filtered list of all content that's been assigned that tag. 

Still need help?

Contact the Community Manager with questions or feedback.