
Diversity and the Occupational Therapy Profession: New Legislative Project to Create a Diverse Workforce

By Abraham Saffer posted 06-11-2019 18:07


AOTA’s Federal Affairs team is working with Congressman Bobby Rush of Illinois to introduce new legislation in Congress to help create a more diverse occupational therapy workforce. The legislation would create a new workforce diversity program that would be administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

Schools of occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech, and audiology would be able to apply for funds to help recruit and retain students from groups currently underrepresented within the professions.

For more details on this brand new legislation, check out the latest Policy Matters podcast with Heather Parsons and Abe Saffer of the AOTA federal affairs team. 

Listen to the Podcast

Listen to the episode in the player below or download the MP3 file.

Collage of four photos of diverse groups of O.T. practitioners and students

#advocacy #OTadvocacy #FederalAffairs #workforce #Publicaffairsbreakingnews #PublicAffairs​​​​​​​



07-10-2019 16:36

Thanks for the shout out to COTAD! We are so excited about this bill being brought to the floor.  We shared it on our blog as well!

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